Thursday, November 4, 2010

The Little Things

Being in a country as wildly different from our own as Korea is really makes you appreciate the little things in life.  For instance, we went to the grocery store today, and…




And I was so excited that I decided that deserved its own blog post.

It’s ok – I don’t expect you to get it.  :)


  1. As a pseuo-expat, I completely get it. On my stayover in Seoul on my return to the US, I got a ham and cheese sandwich for dinner - it came with crinkle cut french fries, I nearly cried when I saw those! And they were the best fries I've ever eaten!

  2. Alan told me you guys were jumping continents! I'm so glad you're blogging about it!

    Enjoy those avocados!

  3. Jim, I think you get it better than I do. It'll be 2011 until we've been here as long as you already have this year.

    P.S. I was in Seoul this week, and I totally got a club sandwich at the Intercontinental Coex (I got them to hold the fried egg). It was awesome!

  4. Thanks, Misti. I was actually inspired by your blog. That's what made me even think to do it. Granted, I'm way behind on yours because I pretty much had no life for most of this year (sans Europe) studying for the CPA exam and then planning the move to Korea, but I always enjoy reading it.

  5. Caitlin, I love you, and I appreciate the sympathy. But, no, you don't. BUT... after you come live with me for a month, you will!
