Tuesday, August 30, 2011

How to Order Pizza in South Korea

The following is a standard dialogue depicting the ordering process with our local Domino's franchise here in Yeosu.  I can't speak for the other Albemarle expats, but this expat family certainly uses this procedure about once a week (at least).

Phone ringing...
Domino's Worker: blah blah blah blah blah Do-mee-no-suh blah blah blah blah blah
(blah = random Korean words we can't understand)
Blake: English?
Domino's WorkerYeah, yeah.
BlakeOk. One...large...pepperoni...pizza...with...sausage.
Domino's WorkerOk.  Pay-puh-roh-nee?
BlakeYes.  With...sausage.
Domino's WorkerUhhhhhhh....
BlakeSau - sage.
Domino's Worker:  Pay-puh-roh-nee?
BlakeSau - sage.
Domino's WorkerCoh-kuh?
BlakeNo, no coke.
Domino's WorkerPay-puh-roh-nee pizza. Two?
BlakeNo, just...one...large...pepperoni...pizza...with...sausage.
Domino's WorkerUhhhh.....  Coh-kuh?
BlakeNo.  Nooooo Coke.  One...large...pepperoni...pizza...with...sausage.
Domino's WorkerUhhhhh.  Just a moment.
Domino's Worker #2Hello?
BlakeYes.  One...large...pepperoni...pizza...with...sausage.
Domino's Worker #2Ok.  Pay-puh-roh-nee...
Domino's Worker #2Saw-suh-juh?
BlakeYes!  Saw-suh-juh!
Domino's Worker #2Saw-suh-juh.  Coh-kuh?
BlakeNo. No Coke.
Domino's Worker #2Ham? 
BlakeNo, no ham.  Ok, look, just...one...large...pepperoni...pizza.  That's all.
Domino's Worker #2Coh-kuh?
BlakeNo, no Coke!
Domino's Worker #2Ok, nineteen thousand nine hundred won.
(Which means we indeed did not get any sausage, as that pizza costs 20,200 won.  This is why we keep asking despite the hassle, because when we do get sausage, it's only 300 additional won, or roughly 30 cents.)
BlakeOk.  Do you need my address?
...dial tone...

1 comment:

  1. So.....how was the pizza? Those little things in life!
